Flamingo Drilling is a new company built with a focus on safety, efficiency and professionalism to provide quality samples and data in an efficient manner. We hire some of the most experienced drillers in Canada to blend together innovation and experience to safely and efficiently complete your project.
Flamingo Drilling is a company directed by Dylan Land (BSc. Geology, University of Regina; Masters of Energy Business, University of Tulsa) and Garrett Bowman (Mechanical Engineering Technologist, NAIT).
Dylan has worked in oil and gas exploration and small business management for 6 years.
Garrett has 13 years of diamond drilling experience ranging from helper and driller to fifth man. He also has experience managing a joint venture underground directional drilling program with IDS and Aziwell located in northern Ontario.
Combining their skill sets Dylan and Garret have the entrepreneurial and technical skills to supervise and support our team of highly skilled drillers, ensuring projects are completed safely through rigorous high quality and dependable work.